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An unpleasant and uncomfortable situation for any household is when their toilet becomes clogged with waste or blockages. The trouble is there whether the blockage is minor or a total blockage. Learning what caused it and how to avoid further issues are key components in managing and preventing such issues in the future.


Therefore, we have collected all the vital information in this blog. It covers the cause of clogged toilet issue lists and its prevention. Reading further will help you understand and solve the issue better.

clogged toilet repair gaithersburg

Causes of Clogged Toilets

Before diving into preventive measures, we need to understand why our toilets become clogged in the first place.

Below are some of the main causes:

Flushing Non-Flushable Items

A primary cause of clogged toilets is flushing non-flushable items down the toilet. A toilet’s primary function is to dispose of human waste and toilet paper. Anything other than this may lead to blockages, such as diapers, feminine hygiene products, wet wipes, cotton balls, paper towels, and more.

Low Flow Toilets

Low-flow toilets may be designed to conserve water, but they may also contribute to clogs by using less water. Thus, they do not provide enough pressure to clear drainage pipes, leading to blockages.

Hard Water Deposits

Hard water contains high mineral concentrations like calcium and magnesium. Over time, it can accumulate in toilet bowls and pipes. It can be the cause of clogged toilets and blockages that clog drains and toilets.

Sewer Line Issues

Sometimes the cause of clogged toilets can be with the sewer line rather than what goes down. The tree roots might infiltrate it, or the build-up of grease and waste could obstruct it. Thus, it contributes to its obstruction and subsequent backup of waste materials into your toilet bowl.

Preventing Clogged Toilets

Now that we understand the potential causes let’s investigate prevention strategies:

Proper Disposal

A key to avoiding clogged toilets is disposing of items properly. It means only flushing human waste and toilet paper down the toilet. As we also discussed, avoid other waste that should go in the trash bin instead. Educate all household members, particularly children, about this important rule.

Consider Upgrading Your Toilet

If you have an older low-flow toilet, upgrading to a modern low-flow model could be worth your while. Today’s low-flow models have been specifically engineered to overcome issues associated with their predecessors while clearing your drain pipe more effectively.

Install a Water Softener

If hard water is an issue, installing a water softener could help to decrease the cause of clogged toilet mineral levels in your water. It will prevent the build-up in pipes and toilets. This device reduces mineral concentration to help prevent build-up on plumbing components.

Water Filtration installation | Plumber Gaithersburg MD

Regular Maintenance and Inspection

Scheduling regular inspections of your plumbing system, toilet, and drainage can prevent clogs from developing. If you detect slow drains or other abnormal anomalies, contact a licensed plumber as soon as possible.

The Do's and Don'ts for a Clog-Free Toilet

Finally, here is our final checklist of do’s and don’ts to maintain a clog-free toilet:



Proactivity and Professional Plumbing Assistance: the winning combo

Understanding what causes a clogged toilet is the first step toward prevention. By adhering to these do’s and don’ts, you can stop experiencing discomfort due to blocked plumbing in your household. Be proactive by performing regular maintenance checks or acting when trouble appears – doing so could save major hassle later on!


If you need professional help, contact Plumbing Pros DMV. We will provide the desired services to repair your toilet properly. Serving customers across DC, MD and VA areas, we are the professional plumbing service you can trust for your bathroom plumbing, including toilet repairs and installations and remodeling services. 

(240) 565-0800